Hallam Locksmiths is able to supply and fit a variety of digi-locks in Sheffield. This type of lock authorises access to areas with the input of a specific code to users. This code can be changed as and when required.
After deciding what type of use the digi-lock is going to receive, you then need to choose between digital or mechanical push buttons. Mechanical offers greater value and simplicity. Digital offer greater flexibility of code options and ease of future code changes. Hallam Locksmiths is able to advise on which type is best suited to your individual circumstances.
Hallam Locksmiths offers a code change service for our Sheffield customers. If you are not sure of how the code is changed or you have adopted a digi-lock on new premises and require a new code, give the team at Hallam Locksmiths a call and we can arrange an appointment.
Yes is the simple answer. Borg now produce a coded lock specifically designed to be retrofitted with a uPVC door. This coded lock is a heavy duty construction and is suitable for a commercial environment. During the day, a four-digit code is inputted which allows the handle to be operated. At night or at the end of the working day, the handle is lifted to put the locking points in place and a key will lock the door to secure as normal. There is an issue with these locks and in truth we are not keen on them.
Monday to Friday – 7am to 8pm
Saturday & Sunday – 8am to 2pm