Door lock package for home movers in Sheffield.

Moving home? Security must be your priority.

Have peace of mind that no-one else has keys to your new property when you move home.

A tailored home mover lock package in Sheffield

It's essential to change the locks on your new home once you move in. While we understand this might not be one of your biggest proirities, it could save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run. Our home mover lock package is designed to take the expense out of changing your locks.

What's included in our home mover lock package?

The home mover lock package from Hallam Locksmiths is competitively priced as we will be replacing multiple locks on your home. You will receive our expert service, as well as brand new locks that meet British Standards and workmanship that's guaranteed for two years.

An example of the Hallam Locksmiths home mover lock package is priced at £210. This includes:

  • Three high-security Ultion locks, fitted by a professional Sheffield locksmith to your front door, back door and patio or French doors
  • A security check on your property and tailored advice on how to keep your home secure

We understand that every home is unique, and so are its lock requirements. That's why we tailor our home mover package to each individual homeowner, ensuring you get exactly what you need. The more locks we replace, the greater the discounts we offer, making our service even more affordable for you.

Speak to our experienced Sheffield locksmiths on 0114 291 9070 for a tailored quote.

Ultion lock for ultimate protection

Choose Ultion

Why do you need new locks in your home?

Here are just some of the reasons why our home mover lock package is the best option for when you move into a new property.

1. Not all keys will be accounted for

The previous owners of your new house might not have kept track of how many times they've lent keys out to friends, family, neighbours or even tradespeople over the years. If these keys get into the wrong hands, there's just no telling what could happen. Making sure you replace your locks will give you peace of mind from day one.

2. Tenants, beware

The above point is especially important if you're living in rented accommodation. Previous tenants may not have handed over all their keys - or had copies made - putting you and your family at risk. Check your tenancy agreement to see whether it's possible to change the locks and ask your landlord to do this sooner rather than later once you've moved in.

3. Your insurance might not be valid

In the event that an intruder does enter your home with a key, there's a strong chance your home insurance company won't pay out. This could be the case even if you didn't know the duplicate keys existed! Taking precautions early on will not only help keep your property secure in a physical sense but also when it comes to your insurance.

4. Be sure they're up to the required standard

The previous owners of your new home may not have taken their security as seriously as you, resulting in them having substandard locks installed. By having new locks installed by a locksmith in Sheffield, you can rest assured you're getting a quality product that meets British Standards, rather than a cheap imitation that's so common on the UK market.

Police & insurance approved

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Hallam Locksmiths of Sheffield

Monday to Friday – 7am to 8pm
Saturday & Sunday – 8am to 2pm

0114 291 9070